Business Market Evaluations
When evaluating a business or company for sale we consider factors such as:
Stability of Sales & Earnings; Type of Business; Location; Competition; Image & Market; Growth & Expansion; Quality of Lease or Real Estate; Business Stability; Ease of Management; Capital Required; Loan Value; Inventory; and other Economic Factors.
If you want a Business Market Evaluation, contact us by email at:
We can provide complete business valuation reports for the following purposes:
- Business or Estate Planning
- Bankruptcy
- Divorce
- IRS or Tax Issues
- Mergers & Acquisitions
- Preparation for Sale
- Liquidation
- Loan Purposes
- Partnership Disputes or Dissolutions
- Family Transfers
- Spin Offs of Product Lines or a Division
We provide brokerage services for small businesses and companies with sales generally less than $5 million, an average of 25 employees, and value in the $250,000 to $1 million price range. Although we can sell most types of businesses, we have developed special expertise in the following types of businesses:
- Small manufacturing companies of proprietary products; stampings; tool & die; fasteners; and general machine shops.
- Restaurants and food service operations